An EAST meets WEST approach to nurturing mothers through the early years of MOTHERHOOD

Welcome to Little Yarrow

Hi I’m Kate!

I’m a Naturopath, Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula, Mother of Three, Podcaster and Mentor to Doulas, Midwives and Women’s health practitioners here to change the way we care for mothers.

Many modern mothers are living under crippling pressure to do and be everything, with never ending to do lists and expectations that come with living within a broken system that does not value the important role of motherhood. Is there any wonder rates of postnatal mood disorders and burnout are currently sky high?

We may be living in a modern world but our mind and body still crave the traditional care our ancestors knew to be essential. The nourishment, support and value that is required when it comes to caring for the backbone of our society, our mothers.

Not only have we lost our village we have lost the knowledge of how to prepare for pregnancy and birth and how to heal and nourish ourselves postpartum and throughout the early years of motherhood. Most women enter pregnancy already depleted and go on to have significant nutrient depletion postpartum that contributes to thyroid dysfunction, hormonal imbalances and mood disorders.

That’s why I’m passionate about holistic mother centred care!

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Hey Mama, what do YOU need help with?


Fourth Trimester Survival Guide


Postnatal Depletion Recovery Roadmap


Are you currently pregnant and looking for ways to prepare for the postpartum period?

Perhaps you have a new baby and need support during the first year of your babies life earthside?

Or maybe you’re a mother of small children and struggling with your energy, mood and hormones but can’t seem to get any answers or find any solutions…

It’s time to get the support you need!

I help mothers prepare for the postpartum period and support them during this window known as ‘The First 40 Days’ or ‘The fourth trimester’. A unique space in time where a mother is as vulnerable as her newborn and needs support and care as she transitions from childbirth to motherhood whether it be her first or subsequent time. She is healing and recovering whilst learning to bond with and feed her baby.

Beyond the fourth trimester I’m passionate about supporting mothers of young children to overcome Postnatal Depletion. A common phenomena caused by the toll that pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, chronic sleep deprivation and the daily demands of mothering small children can take on a woman.

I use a Naturopathic approach to help mothers regain their energy, balance their hormones, overcome brain fog and alleviate anxiety and depression.


Lastest articles

Self Care During Your Period

In Western Society, mensturation is often seen as a taboo topic and woman are made to feel like they need…

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Top Herbs for Postnatal Depression

As many as 1 in 5 new mothers experience postnatal depression within the first year. It is often a slow…

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Stocking Your Postpartum Pantry

Stocking your postpartum pantry with healing foods is a great way to enhance your recovery after childbirth and support you…

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