The Postnatal REBOOT

From Exhausted and Burnt Out to Nourished and Thriving in Motherhood. A Naturopathic Blueprint to Healing from Depletion.

Free Bonus: Wise Traditions

Pre Conception Care Workshop (Valued at $147 USD)

Are you a MOTHER of young children battling exhaustion and feeling completely BURNT OUT and depleted?

You’re not alone

did you know that..

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    1 in 5 mothers experience postnatal mood disorders

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    1 in 7 mothers experience postnatal thyroid issues

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    50% of mothers suffer with chronic exhaustion

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    85% of mothers report feeling unsupported

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    90% of mothers report feeling lonely and isolated


  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    Postpartum autoimmune issues are on the rise

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    Marriage breakdowns are the most common in the first six years after birth

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    Postpartum mood disorders are one of the leading causes of maternal mortality

  • little-yarrow-flower-dark-rgb-1500px-w-300ppi

    We are having an epidemic of mothers in a chronic state of depletion

Hi I'm Kate, Naturopath, Postpartum Doula and mother of three with over a decade of experiencing supporting mums just like you to recover from burn out and depletion. 


When the newborn bubble is over, the meal drop offs have stopped and the check ins and offers of support are no where to be seen. They say it takes a village but where is the village when you need them and why are you so exhausted from mothering such small humans?

You feel burnt out, touched out, overwhelmed and exhausted. You know you need to address the nutritional deficiencies and imbalances you’ve accumulated from growing, birthing and nourishing your children but you don’t know where to start. All you know is that you need a clear plan for recovery and help implementing it right now!

You want to know exactly what blood tests to ask your doctor for and how to interpret them with optimal ranges so that you can start to address the root cause of your exhaustion. You want to know exactly what herbs and supplements to take that will actually work. No more guess work and wasting money on expensive products that don’t make a difference!

You want real practical tools that you can implement right away to optimise your recovery from burnout and ongoing support to restore your nervous system and guide you through these intense early years of motherhood.

This is why I created ‘The Postnatal Reboot’, a practical course that gives you both the knowledge, instant tools and custom support so that you can finally start reclaiming your energy and vitality. If you're struggling with your mood and energy since becoming a mumma, I see you and I'm here to help! Despite what society says and what your care providers may have told you feeling this way is not your new normal! It doesn't have to be a part of your motherhood experience anymore!

"The PostNatal Reboot is an absolutely wonderful resource for MUMS in any stage of their MOTHERHOOD journey."

Leila, Village for Mama

The Postnatal Reboot is an online self paced program aimed to give you the knowledge and tools to help replete your nutritional status after childbirth and correct any adrenal, hormonal and thyroid imbalances you have accumulated from growing, birthing and nurturing your little ones.

A huge amount of nutrients are transferred during pregnancy and then breastfeeding requires further nutritional demands. Add in disrupted sleep, the daily demands of motherhood and often subsequent pregnancies, the toll of motherhood is massive.

Many women go on years struggling and running on empty often they are unaware of the underlying nutritional deficiencies, thyroid issues and adrenal dysfunction that they are experiencing.

Visits to the GP often leave them frustrated as they are told their blood tests are normal and therefore never get the help or support they need to recover.

'The Postnatal Reboot' is an important resource for all mums no matter how old their little ones are. This program utilises an east meets west approach so that you can stop feeling exhausted and actually enjoy these special years with your little one without relying on excessive caffeine and sugar for your energy hit or wishing you could sleep the day away.

If you're sick of your doctor running tests and saying everything looks fine when you feel far from fine then this course is for you!

Kate Little Yarrow-13

In this online course, you will learn:

Life Time Access to Course Materialis and Unlimited Support (Ask Questions at Anytime!)

9x Video Modules with PDF Summaries

  • Why there is currently an epidemic of postnatal depletion
  • The Traditional Chinese Medicine view of postnatal depletion
  • How Traditional cultures care for mothers and how to implement these practices
  • The most common nutritional deficiencies postpartum
  • The causes of postpartum chronic fatigue
  • Contributing factors to postpartum mood disorders
  • Types of postpartum hormonal issues
  • Pathology testing, what tests to ask for and optimal ranges
  • The five pillars of recovery including herbal, nutritional, dietary and lifestyle protocols


  • The Adrenal Restore Toolkit
  • Postpartum Nutrition Toolkit (Includes pantry list and meal and snack guidelines)
  • Flower Essences for Motherhood Toolkit
  • Hormone Detox Toolkit
  • The Postnatal Reboot Checklist


  • Lesson #1 Postpartum Nutrition Essentials
  • Lesson #2 Postpartum Adrenal Dysfunction
  • Lesson #3 Postpartum Mood Support


You Will Also Get:

A custom Naturopathic treatment plan and ongoing suport via access to the 'Ask Kate' feature where you can get feedback on blood test results and ask for custom suggestions on herbal medicine, supplements and dietary advice. You can submit questions and ask for feedback at anytime (no expiry date).



  • Upon enrolment you'll receive an intake form
  • You'll then receive a custom treatment plan including herbal and nutritional suggestions
  • You can submit questions to me at anytime in the course portal for blood test reviews and treatment plan reviews


The Postnatal Reboot has been such an incredibly helpful and supportive tool to have in my postnatal toolkit. After becoming very depleted and suffering from severe postnatal anxiety with my first baby, I knew the second time around that I needed to call upon the support of highly skilled experts that are working in this space - Kate has been amazing! The course is simple yet powerful and packed with knowledge. I wish every mama and mama-to-be could do the course.
- Sally Hood
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I cannot express more strongly how I wish every woman in every phase of pregnancy, birth and postpartum had access to Kate and the postnatal reboot program.
Postnatal depletion is such a vital part of maternal mental health and maternal wellbeing and I think that is more important now more than ever. What Kate is doing at Little Yarrow is so so important.
Kate is a trusted source of knowledge about women’s health, birth and the postpartum phase. After having my second baby I felt really called to seek support from this perspective with regards to aftercare for me in postpartum. Healing through our plant allies is important to me, and how I treat my body. I felt Kate really provides a lot of valuable information and resources to be aware of, things you can do to regulate your hormones, mood warning signs and over all care inside out through diet.
Allura,  ACT

I undertook Kate’s postnatal reboot program as a mother and Birth worker it was full of really valuable information that has set me up in my own postpartum to not only be nutritionally on point but to actually feel vital and energetic. No postnatal depletion over here. It’s also so powerful to know what nutrients to chat to my clients about in preconception and pregnancy to actually prevent postnatal depletion. It’s simple but powerful stuff.

Wild @wildlunaraven

Kate is such a wealth of knowledge. Very respectful and encouraging of all participants. I learned so much about what my body needed to help it heal and be supported during the post partum period. It was a really worthwhile course to sign up too, and applies so much more broadly in life even beyond port partum. Would highly recommend joining Kate to learn how to nourish your body, mind and soul.
Erin, NSW
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I have thoroughly enjoyed the post natal reboot with Kate. The information on what food/herbs to eat to aid with the healing post pregnancy was very beneficial to me. The information has made me look at food and herbs in a different way and also really take notice of how they affect me. I’m slowly incorporating more and more into my daily rituals to help with my mindset and energy levels. My knowledge has expanded greatly.
Hannah, Vic


  • Understand what the symptoms of maternal depletion are and why they are so common in our modern society
  • Know what tests to ask your GP for and what the optimal ranges should be
  • Know what nutritional supplements to take to help you heal and restore
  • Understand which herbs can help your mood, energy and hormones
  • Learn how to follow the reboot plan for healing and recovery

Upon enrolment you will receive your login details to the program via email and gain access to the videos lessons plus note summaries for each lesson.

To register for this online program:

  1. Click through the enrol now button
  2. You'll be taken to the enrolment page
  3. Choose to pay either full amount or via payment plan
  4. You'll receive an email with your login details to the program and you can get started anytime!

More client LOVE...


The Post Natal Reboot is an absolutely wonderful resource for mums in any stage of their motherhood journey. Kate has put together some brilliant videos with supporting PDFs and the bonus toolkits and checklists that are easy to follow and contain fantastic information to help you identify where you may need a little support.

I felt as thought I really honoured my fourth trimester and put lots of practices in place to help ensure I prioritised rest and nourishment. This meant that I felt great postpartum and really thought I had avoided any postnatal depletion. 13 months postpartum I found myself immunosuppressed and exhausted beyond comprehension.

The postnatal reboot helped me understand that I was suffering from Postpartum adrenal exhaustion, identify other imbalances and provided me with tools to work through the underlying issues.

I learned so much wonderful information about adaptogens and flower essences from the beautiful toolkits and the nutrition guide is brilliant. An invaluable investment, highly recommend to all mums as a little positive push in the right direction of feeling like themselves again.'

Leila, Mother and Doula at


"I’m incredibly grateful for Kate’s maternal wisdom. I’ve suffered with post natal anxiety as well as a reduced milk supply with a couple of my kids. This is my fifth baby and it’s been a tougher postpartum journey then I’m use to. Being a Covid baby this recent journey has come with extra anxieties.

Having Kate’s online course for support has helped me understand the process that even I haven’t had an education or full awareness of in my eleven years of mothering. It’s helped me be more conscious of the patterns I’m experiencing during my postpartum journey and support me through my exhaustion and mental health struggles I’ve suffered with at various times.

I’m an experienced mother but every baby has shown me that there are new challenges as well as I’ve grown to understand that I’m more confident in discussing my postpartum mental health. Knowing new ways to Keep on top of mood my exhaustion and my diet will help me avoid the real struggles I’ve suffered with during my postpartum journey. Thank you so much Kate for your wisdom!'

Grace, Mother of 5


Last year I joined the Postnatal Reboot. I was around 1 year postpartum and really struggling physically to get through the long days of breastfeeding and night wakes. Through Kate’s amazing wisdom I learnt that my adrenals were in over-drive and I was constantly living in a “tired but wired” state.

This led me down a path of finding the right foods and supplements to help me get through! I made such great improvements. I am now 20 months postpartum and can feel myself slipping back to where I was so I am going to do the course again and get back into those amazing routines!

Kate truly is a wealth of knowledge in postpartum wellbeing and I feel incredibly blessed to have access to her teachings. Thank you Kate!



I am so glad I found Kate at a time I really really needed her. I only wish I knew earlier, what I know now, on how to support myself properly postpartum. It is something that is not really spoken about and so easily overlooked. Yet it is just as, if not more important than pregnancy!

I highly recommend 'The Postnatal Reboot' to anyone in or about to embark on their postpartum journey. I am in such a better place and feel so good knowing I am supporting my body with the right nutrition and herbs. This information is truly invaluable.

Tara, QLD


I highly recommend Kate. She's full of wisdom and is passionate about supporting women pre and postpartum. I joined her Postnatal Reboot Program and learnt so much about how I can support my body as a mother. If you're on the fence about working with her as a naturopath, just do it! Your mind and body will thank you xx


The modules:

Understand what Postnatal Depletion is including the signs and symptoms plus the factors that are behind why it's becoming increasingly common in mother's.

Learn how Traditional Chinese Medicine views the postpartum body as unique, what changes occur and what kind of nourishment mother's need in the early years of motherhood.

Discover the global postpartum traditions of ancient cultures and how their philosophy and sophisticated system of care sets mother's up for optimal health after having their babies.

Understand how nutritional deficiencies are so common in mother's including what the most common nutrients affected are and what signs and symptoms to look out for.

Postpartum mood disorders such as anxiety and depression affect 1 in 5 mothers. Find out why this occurs and what factors contribute to mental health issues in mother's.

Approximately 50% of mother's experience chronic and debilitating fatigue on a daily basis. There are many factors that contribute to this state of exhaustion, come find out what they are and how to resolve them!

Hormonal issues such as PMS, irregular cycles, period pain, infertility and miscarriage are all common complaints of mother's with young children. Find out why this occurs and how to overcome these challenges

Many women are told their blood tests have come back normal despite their being a whole range of issues that have been missed. Understand what tests to ask for and what the optimal reference ranges need to be for optimal wellbeing.

Discover my complete 5 step blueprint for postnatal depletion recovery including what tests to get, what herbs and supplements to take plus what nutritional changes and restorative practices you need to implement to help you recover. 

Kate Little Yarrow-9

Your instructor

Kate Harrison

Kate is a Naturopath, Postpartum Doula and mother of two boys located in Northern NSW, Australia. She is passionate about supporting mothers as they transition to motherhood and cares for them using herbal medicine, nutrition and traditional practices during the fourth trimester and beyond.


This program is suitable for all mothers of babies, toddlers and young children who are struggling with exhaustion and mood disturbances postpartum 

It starts as soon as you enrol and is self paced. You will have lifetime access and receive all future updates to the program.

You can go through the modules at your own pace and they can be done in one sitting or take as long as you need. 

Yes! Health professionals are more than welcome to join the program and educate themselves on how to support their mumma clients in healing from depletion in the early years of motherhood. Many of the topics such as postpartum nutrition, herbs, mood disorders and chronic exhaustion will be relevant in enhancing your knowledge around caring for mothers.

Yes! it will teach you how to prevent postnatal depletion so you can be aware of the signs and symptoms and know what blood tests to monitor as well as what herbs and supplements to take to nurture yourself postpartum.

Yes! It's so important to heal before entering another pregnancy otherwise if you enter a subsequent pregnancy the problem will only just compound and you will feel worse. This course will help you heal so that you are ready to conceive again.

No it is all very mum friendly and pre recorded bite sized lessons so you can go at your own pace, ask questions in the portal and you get life time access!

Enrol now

Option 1

Full Payment


Option 2

Payment Plan

6x Monthly Payments of $107 USD

Even more client LOVE...


'I thought being stressed, exhausted and feeling drained was just part of motherhood and there was nothing that could be done about it. Now I know there are many ways to feel more energised.

I’m so glad I took this course, Kate is extremely knowledgeable and explains complex subjects in a way that’s easy to understand.

Not only does Kate provide a wealth of information but also practical tips about what you can do straight away to combat the stress of motherhood the right way.'

Victoria, Mother and Digital Marketing Strategist at


I started receiving Kate’s emails shortly after the birth of my daughter. I felt myself thinking “yes! That’s me!” to almost everything I read, as she explained how a females body and hormones change post birth. After a long period of back and forth visits to the GP I knew that my body wasn’t in a good place.

I decided to reach out to Kate. Through her reboot program I have gained such a clear understanding of exactly what was happening to my body and through her guidance of using natural herbal remedies and addressing deficiencies, I finally feel like I’m on the right track to healing my body. For that, I am extremely grateful. Kate’s knowledge of the female body has been invaluable.

Carmel, Mother of two