Ayurveda for MOTHERHOOD

The Art & Practice

of Traditional Ayurvedic Postpartum

Care for Modern Mothers

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You're here because you want to learn about Ancient Ayurvedic Postpartum Care and how you can use it to care for mothers after birth and beyond.

You want to know more about Ayurvedic nutrition & herbs specific to the postpartum period, the benefits and practical application of belly binding and warm oil massage but you want to make sure you’re getting the right guidance from someone who is experienced.

Perhaps you don’t know where to start though and if the philosophy and practices are even relevant to the mothers of today.

You want real practical tools that you can implement right away to optimise the healing and recovery of mothers after childbirth plus you want ongoing support and guidance as every mothers experience and needs are unique.

In modern times we have lost the ancient art of caring for newborn mothers. As a result we now have unacceptable high rates of postnatal depression and anxiety with many mothers feeling isolated and alone during what is meant to be a sacred time and rite of passage.

This is why I created ‘Ayurveda for Motherhood’, a practical course that gives you instant tools that you can start using straight away in your care for mothers plus on yourself and loved ones after childbirth.

In traditional cultures around the world, postpartum care and nurturing new mothers is considered to be essential to the fabric of the community. They understand that when a mother is cared for then she is better equipped to care for her family and therefore all of society benefits from the care of the mother.

''A new mother should be treated with oil massage, warm baths, a specific diet and herbal drinks that prevent infection, promote vitality and alleviate vata'' - Charaka Samita (Ancient Indian Text)

The Ayurvedic texts describe the four pillars of postpartum care with great detail and practical tools for helping mothers to heal and recover from childbirth including postpartum diet, herbal medicine and bodywork such as belly binding and oil massage for supporting the mother through the first forty days and beyond.

In this online course, you will receive:

  • Self paced video modules
  • PDF Handbook with all lesson summaries
  • Access to ask questions and get support at anytime
  • Lifetime Access


I am living and learning throughout my first pregnancy, I am striving to expand my mind about postpartum traditions and rituals that will benefit my vitality and hopefully pass on these learnings to other women. Kates Ayurveda for Motherhood program was incredible, easy to follow, exciting and left me wanting to learn more and make more! I can see how much love and passion Kate has put into this and has inspired me to put what I have learnt into practice. The program makes postpartum rituals appear less confronting and overwhelming to achievable. Thank you Kate, my Gaia in knowledge have been filled and I feel grateful to have learned from you!
- Paris,
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I absolutely loved this course.
So much detail was put into it and I loved the way it was designed. I understood everything we had to learn.
And being in the Pregnancy, birth and postpartum field, this has truely enhanced my knowledge to be able to help my mamas on a deeper level. Thank you so much Kate
- Jess, Maternal Grounding
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Kate's Ayurveda for Motherhood, was magic. It is packed with so much invaluable wisdom for Mothers, Mum's to be and alike / in the birth & postpartum space.
I wish I had this information prior to having my daughter a couple of years ago.
Kate is lovely, a wealth of knowledge, and you can tell that she is so passionate about what she does, which was one of the reasons I was so drawn to her program. It's comprehensive, easy to follow & user friendly - I will be referring back to Kate's program foundations for a long time to come.
I hope to learn more from her in the future!
- Jacqueline
This course was a 10/10. It was packed with information that you can use for yourself or a business if you serve the community. As a birth and postpartum doula, I’m going to use the Ayurveda method for my moms that I serve. I will also use it for myself in the future. You can tell Kate is passionate about what she does. This course also came with bonuses at the end that I can use to elevate my business. I’m very grateful for this course and I plan to purchase more in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about Ayurveda and how to implement it. Thanks Kate!
- India Fletcher

This knowledge is life changing and these tools can transform a mother and her experience of the first forty days after birth.

I’ve used these principles and practices to support and teach hundreds of mothers over the years and have also implemented them in my own postpartum experiences.

They’re real and they work! They improve the outcome for mothers in many ways including faster healing and recovery, prevention and treatment of infections, breastfeeding support, hormonal balance, mood support and enhanced vitality.

Modern science is only just now confirming what ancient wisdom already new. These practices are not just an optional luxury they are essential to the healing and recovery of mothers. They create nourished, healthy, happy and strong mothers that thrive.

If you want to feel confident in your Ayurvedic postpartum knowledge and get the tools to enhance your care of new mothers during this sacred time..

If you want guidance on which Ayurvedic herbs to use, how they work and how to make herbal belly pastes, oils and tonics..

If you want to be able to teach mothers about Ayurvedic postpartum nutrition including what foods to eat and avoid, how to make herbal ghee and how to rekindle the digestive fire..

If you want to learn how to use herbal massage oil for abhyanga (self oil massage) plus learn three different styles of belly binding then you’re in the right place..

If you want to learn how to use Ayurvedic principles to support mothers after pregnancy loss and C section birth..

Then you’ll love this course!

When you join you will get instant access to my self paced course where you can work your way through each module at your own pace with the opportunity to submit questions for me to respond to at any time (you get lifetime access!)



  • Have everything you need to create a nourishing postpartum plan
  • Understand how Ayurveda views and supports postpartum
  • Understand the four pillars of Ayurvedic postpartum care and why the first 40 days are considered to be a sacred window of time
  • Understand how the three doshas (constitutions) affect women differently during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Understand Ayurvedic nutrition for postpartum recovery
  • Understand key Ayurvedic herbs for the postpartum period
  • Know the benefits and practical application of how to use belly binding
  • Know the benefits of abhyanga (oil massage) to support healing and recovery postpartum
  • Know how to make herbal ghee
  • Know how to fill your freezer with nourishing meals
  • Know how to build your village and support system


  1. Click through the enrol now button
  2. You'll be taken to the enrolment page
  3. Choose to pay either full amount or via payment plan
  4. You'll receive an email with your login details to the program and you can get started anytime!


This information is invaluable for anyone supporting women postpartum or for women themselves nearing their postpartum period.
It is the interweaving of Kate's expertise in the field of supporting women's health, along with Ayurvedic knowledge which has been supporting the health of postpartum women for centuries.
I highly encourage anyone with an interest in how to truly support and nourish postpartum women.

- Sarah, Midwife (Down to Birth Midwifery)

As a mother and fellow doula, I am so fascinated when it comes to learning about more natural and traditional ways to mother. Just listening to your recordings in the Ayurveda for motherhood course made me want to embrace some of these traditional practices for not only myself but for mothers I care for. I've learnt about doshas before however, understanding how they relate to how a mother is cared for in her postpartum is vital for proper healing. This is beautiful wisdom that should be shared with all new mothers. I can't wait to continue to learn more from you!
- Ebony Hamilton
Kate's Ayurveda for motherhood program was something I deeply wished I had after birthing my daughter and walking through postpartum ptsd. This course is so needed for mothers and mothers to be to support them with the ultimate self care , nurture and love for their bodies throughout the biggest transition and change of their lives. To guide them with simple tools to thrive mentally, emotionally and physically in their pregnancy and postpartum journey.
- Carly Hicks,
I loved the course ‘Ayurveda for Motherhood’ and found it incredibly interesting to gain an understanding of Ayurvedic concepts (like learning about balancing the Doshas), and would have loved to have taken a course like this during my pregnancies. I think it would have made a huge difference in my postpartum experiences in putting these concepts into practice. The bonuses were really great as I love to see tangible ways to bring these into my own home!
- Isobel Benesch,


Understand the phases of postpartum recovery and what changes occur in the first forty days. Learn about the philosophical and practical application of ‘lying in’ as well as the benefits for both mother and baby according to Ayurveda.

Learn Ayurvedas unique postpartum philosophy and approach to caring for new mothers with the four pillars of Ayurvedic postpartum care and how they are used to remedy imbalances in the postpartum mother whilst nourishing and supporting her healing and recovery.

Learn all about how Ayurveda uses food as medicines to support healing and recovery in the postpartum period including what foods to include and what to avoid, the five tastes according to Ayurveda and specific postpartum dietary needs.

Learn about Ayurvedic herbs for postpartum healing and recovery including herbs for supporting the digestive fire, mood and mental health, cognition, milk production and hormonal balance. 

Learn about the importance of belly binding and why it is considered an essential practice for postpartum. Find out the many benefits as well as how to wrap different styles and options for including belly oils and pastes to optimise healing. 

Understand the benefits of self oil massage including how it helps support healing and recovery, what oils to use, how to make herbal abhyanga oils and how to do a full body sequence on yourself at home. You will also learn how to incorporate to important marma therapy points into the massage.

Get access to a checklist to help you easily plan and prepare with ease!

Learn how to make Ayuvedic ghee and herbal infused ghee with step by step recipes

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Kate Harrison

Kate is a Naturopath, Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula and mother of two boys located in Northern NSW, Australia. She is passionate about supporting mothers as they transition to motherhood and cares for them using herbal medicine, nutrition and traditional practices during the fourth trimester and beyond.

Your instructor


This program is suitable for anyone wanting to learn more about Ayurvedic postpartum care including women planning a pregnancy, currently pregnant or postpartum as well as birth and postpartum workers wanting to extend their knowledge and offerings. 

It starts as soon as you enrol and is self paced. You will have lifetime access and receive all future updates to the program.

You can go through the modules at your own pace and they can be done in one sitting or take as long as you need. Each of the eight modules are around 10-15min each. 

Yes! Health professionals are more than welcome to join the program and educate themselves on how to support their mumma clients. 

When you have finished the course if you would like a certificate of completion to acknowldge your studies with me please email me. This is not a qualification but recognition of your learning.

My teaching style is super punchy and practical with zero fluff. I've done enough online courses full of long drawn out videos that take hours to explain a simple concept. I value your time too much for that. I get straight to the point and share exatly what you need to know so that you can take your newfound knowledge and skills and put it into practice!