The Benefits of Belly Binding Postpartum

Belly binding is a centuries-old tradition that spans many cultures including Indonesia and Malaysia. It not only helps to support core muscles, but it also helps correct your posture whilst you carry or breastfeed your newborn.

Binding can help the uterus shrink (involution) and the compression from the wrap aids in reducing postpartum bleeding.

We tend to use our back muscles a lot after having a baby for breastfeeding, changing nappies, bathing baby, holding baby, pushing prams etc and this can cause further damage to occur if those muscles aren’t supported.

Many also report belly binding helps with balancing emotions after the birth as it helps new mothers to feel more grounded and centered.

It is common for women to end up with diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles) after the birth of their baby. While this isn’t usually permanently harmful, it takes care and exercise to get the muscles back together and to make the core strong again. Belly binding can help to speed up the healing process.

You can start binding your core immediately aftera vaginal birth and 7 to 10 days after a cesarean with either the traditional Bengkung cloth method used in Malaysia, with a belly band you can purchase or make your own with a simple tubular bandage.

It is important that you give your body the same time and space to recover as it took to grow your baby. Whilst some women do report that belly binding helps return them to their pre-pregnancy body quicker this is not the goal of belly binding.

The wrap should be tight but not cutting off circulation. You would traditionally wear the wrap all day for the 40 days of postpartum.

During the first 40 days it is important to focus on rest, healing and bonding with your baby. Belly binding is a great way to support your recovery after birth.


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